Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10: Back and Bis

I didn't end up working out until later tonight, but I felt really good afterward. Virtually all of my numbers either stayed the same or went up from the previous week. It feels great to see my numbers increase like that. My eating was very good today. I tend to eat like shit on weekends and I feel like I'm playing catchup all week. I'm stuck at my weight because I keep binging for one day. I'm really going to focus on that this weekend.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 9: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Friday was my rest day, and yesterday I didn't end up working out. We had to take the dog to the vet in the morning, and then we had to meet up with friends last night. I have no excuse for not working out though.

Today I did Chest, shoulders, and tris, and my numbers went up across the board. Those slow motion pushups are killer though. Tomorrow is back and bis. I'll try to make up my cardio day later in the week. (Probably Friday on my rest day.)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 6: Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit

So I told the swimmers that I coach about Insanity, and they wanted to try it today instead of swim practice. I joined in with them and was unbelievably surprised at how well they did. As a former swimmer, I know how good of shape they are in, but they even surprised me. I was up front telling them what was coming next because it was hard to hear in the natatorium.

When we finished, many of the swimmers jumped in the pool to cool down. After that, we went running around the school for about 10-15 minutes. All in all, it was a very good workout. Tomorrow is a rest day, and I'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 5: Modified Road Warrior with weights

So I took a lot of Tony's moves from Road Warrior and then modified them to use free weights. (Dumbell presses instead of pushups, etc.) I was able to do 5 pullups to start off, but quickly had to resort to the chair after that. I didn't have time to do ARX today, but I plan on making up for it tomorrow. I'll have more to post then.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4: Treadmill

So I planned on doing Tony's Patience Yoga this morning at 4:45, but I hit the alarm again. I wanted to do it tonight, but I didn't get back from the swim meet until late. I love watching The Biggest Loser (even though it may not be the healthiest thing in the world.) Instead of not exercising, I will do some work on the treadmill tonight. I know it's not Yoga and it wasn't my original plan, but at least I'm moving.

Tomorrow is a modified Road Warrior that I changed up to use pretty much all weights (dumbell presses instead of pushups.) It'll be the first time I do it, but I'm looking forward to it. I like doing pushups, but I really want to push myself with dumbells.

I'll check in again tomorrow.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 3: Back and Bi's & ARX

I underestimated how tough it would be working out with swimming during the week. Thankfully, I have my rotation up so on Tuesdays (meet days) I will be doing Patience Yoga. I'm actually going to try to get up early tomorrow morning (4:40) and try it. We'll see if I git the snooze button again. Fridays (the other day for meets), is my rest day. It shouldn't be too bad, but we'll see.

My eating today was much better. I think being back at work helps with having a structure.

On to the workout. My pullups are still crap from taking some time off. I try to do a couple without the chair, but I do end up using it to finish up each set. I was able to do pretty well with the bicep exercises. I really like this workout with the exception of Katie and her insensate whining. When she says "I did teeeennnnnnn," I just want to punch the tv. I was able to do 2 more reps per exercise for ARX.

Off to do some work, will post tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 2: Insanity Pure Cardio

Man, I did a round of Insanity before, but having not done it in months, I forgot how difficult this really was. I made it through the whole warm up with only stopping for a quick water break during the second round of mummy kicks. My heart rate also got up to 184 during the warm up. For the entire workout (including stretching and cooldown) I averaged a HR of 162. That should definitely come down in the next few weeks as I get more used to this again.

My eating last night was terrible. I ate before the party, but I did binge when I was there. I need to work on being able to say no and not be afraid to be the only one eating well at a gathering. Today I did eat better, although I think it was a little to carb heavy. Here's my eating for the day.

Breakfast: 1/4 cup dry steel cut oats, 3 oz chicken breast (I can't eat eggs too much anymore)

Snack #1: .5 ounces of almonds, 1 100% brown rice cake

Lunch: 1 cup whole wheat couscous, chicken, sliced cucumbers

Dinner: 3 ounces of peppercorn pork loin, 3/4 sweet potato

I definitely need to increase my vegetable intake and I will not eat starchy carbs anymore for dinner. Just meat and vegetables.

Back to work tomorrow and I should get my eating back on track now that vacation is over.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Tris & ARX

For my new round, I decided to mix things up and start with what is usually phase 2 strength workouts. This round I will combine mostly P90X strength videos, with some One on Ones, with Insanity Cardio. I need some more variety in my routine and Insanity's cardio is second to none. (Sorry Tony!)

So before starting, I was bad from Thanksgiving until now with working out. Between friends from out of town coming up, coaching swimming everyday, and I guess laziness I really slipped with my workouts and eating. I ended up gaining 11 pounds during that time. When I eat bad, I don't mess around and eat bad. Unfortunately, it wreaked havoc on me.

Before Thanksgiving I was doing at least 20 pushups per set of Tony's 1-1 video 30/15. During today's CST workout, I had a hard time doing more than 15. I lost a lot of strength in my month hiatus. It's frustrating, but I did it to myself. I'll try to remember this feeling when I have the urge to fall off the wagon again.

I forgot just how tough ARX is. My abs have never been in good shape, and my hip flexors are in worse. Man did I feel it in my hips today.

We're heading to a friend's house for a post Christmas party, so I'll do my best to not eat there. I'll have dinner before going and I'll bring some almonds or something with me to help fight any urges that might arise. Insanity Pure Cardio is on deck for tomorrow.